
Ten Beautiful Pet-Safe Houseplants

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Does your pet taste test your houseplants? Some common plants can be toxic to pets, even worse than tattered foliage! These houseplants are safe for your pets.

The lush plant shops and the greenery displays at the supermarket are so tempting that you’ll want to take a new plant home. These plants are only sometimes accompanied by a lot of information, such as if the plant is safe for cats and dogs.

Some pets don’t care about houseplants. A good chew is the best way to discover any new addition to your home. Cats, in particular, enjoy the taste of fresh, green leaves. They leave behind their teeth marks.

Unfortunately, some common houseplants are toxic to pets and can cause stomach upset or even more severe poisoning. You should, therefore, keep your variegated Monstera out of reach from your pets and for their safety. Many indoor plants can be safely placed on window sills.

You can find these ten pet-friendly plants in a local store.

#1. Pilea peperomioides

Pilea peperomioides is also known as the Chinese Money Plant, Coin Plant, or UFO Plant. It has an attractive, cartoony appearance thanks to its distinctive circular leaves! They grow best when exposed to bright, indirect light. You can let them dry out between waterings.

#2. Peperomia

Peperomias are a group of hardy plants that have waxy, firm leaves. They come in many patterns and colors. Peperomias can be patterned in splashes or white and green, or even stripes like watermelon! The plants are tolerant, and, best of all, the whole genus can be kept by pets.

#3. Calathea

Calatheas are a bit more finicky, but their foliage is stunning, with green, pink, and white patterns. This is a low-light indoor plant that is safe for both cats and dogs. It thrives when kept moist and with high humidity.

#4. Maranta

The name Maranta comes from the fact that they fold their leaves inwards like prayer hands at night. They prefer partial shade or indirect light and moist soil. The leaves are striped in different shades of green and sometimes pink. They grow on vines that trail, making them a great hanging plant.

#5. Spider Plant

The classic spider plant is a houseplant that has many good reasons. The spider plant has striking long, white, and green striped leaves. They grow well in various light conditions and even when watering is forgotten. As they mature, they will produce trailing vines like baby spider plants. They are perfect for hanging baskets.

They are safe for cats, but cat owners should be aware that they can have a mild hallucinogenic effect on them. This makes them a favorite snack among many kitties, who enjoy them like catnip. Keep them away from cats with large appetites to prevent stomach upsets.

#6. Parlor Palm

The parlor palm, known as Neanthe Bella, is a tough houseplant with feathery green leaves. The parlor palm is tolerant to a wide range of light conditions and prefers to be underwatered rather than overwatered. This makes them the perfect plant for forgetful waterers. These plants are also effective air purifiers that are safe for cats and dogs.

#7. Areca Palm

Areca palms are a great option if you want a large plant indoors that is safe for cats and dogs. Dypsis latuscens is a large plant that can reach 12 feet in height. They like bright indirect light, and they need to be watered regularly.

#8. Zebra Haworthia

Haworthiopsis Attenuata is also known as zebra plant or zebra haworthia. Its name comes from the white raised stripes on its spiky, thorny leaves. This succulent is a favorite because it loves bright, direct light. It also likes to let its leaves dry between waterings. The succulents grow slowly and will only outgrow their pot briefly. They can even live up to 50+ years!

#9. #9.

Orchids have unique flowers, and they can thrive indoors. The most popular orchids in shops are Phalaenopsis or moth orchids. They are easy to maintain and are available in a variety of species. Could you not give up when their flowers die? If you cut the stem just below its last bloom and fertilize regularly, orchids can rebloom quickly.

#10. Air Plant

Try an air plant for those who have killed every houseplant you can imagine! These plants are epiphytes, which means they grow on trees and absorb water and nutrients without soil. Pet owners, no more pots of ground for your pets to knock over!

Air plants can be placed anywhere. They can go on a table, shelf, decorative bowl, or other surface. Ensure they receive some light, and soak them for 20 minutes in water once a week. That’s it! We promise.

Greenery is waiting for you, whether you are looking for small succulents or large houseplants safe for cats and dogs. Fill your home with plants. You can expand your green thumb to your garden once you are confident. Many outdoor plants are also safe for your cats and dogs.

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